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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cheaper California Health Care Insurance Rate -- These Will Bring Down What You Pay

Are there tips that will truly guarantee that you pay far less for your California health insurance? Even though you can save by reducing your coverage, it is not advisable if it puts you at risk. However, you can get cheaper rates for superior coverage if you have the right tips and take necessary precautions. I'll explain how...

1. If you take part in high risk or extreme sports you will attract expensive rates. Therefore stay off any sport or leisure activity that's either life-threatening or risky and you'll attract lower rates.

2. Ask your agent personally about all the discounts possible with your preferred insurer. Since agents too are human they might forget to tell you about some discounts you are qualified for. You will reduce the probability of this happening to you if you make it a point of duty to ask your agent point blank to tell you of every discount that is possible. You might get a really pleasant surprise!

3. You can get less affordable rates simply because your line of duty exposes you to much hazards. You will get cheaper rates if you quit a hazardous occupation for a safe one. Because a salesperson in a supermarket isn't exposed to any health hazards like a nuclear plant worker, he or she would pay cheaper rates.

4. If in your case it's hard to locate a regular health insurance provider because of a pre-existing disease you can apply for COBRA insurance. For those who don't know COBRA stands for Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985.

5. Maintain a healthy life style and you will attract more affordable rates with time. The quality of your diet will sooner or later affect your rate. you will do well to stick with the right diet for you if you love a healthy life and more affordable premiums.

Similarly, you will be healthier and so have to visit the doctor less if you consistently exercise up to thirty minutes daily.
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